Dr. Allyssa K. Memmini, Assistant Professor, Health, Exercise, & Sports Sciences

Allyssa Memmini headshot


Dr. Allyssa K. Memmini


Assistant Professor


Health, Exercise, & Sports Sciences

Describe your research in about 200 words.

My work focuses on the development and implementation of academic supports for university students recovering from sports-related concussion. In particular, I am interested in the intersection of student identity (race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, etc.) and how these factors may influence the likelihood of seeking and obtaining academic supports after concussion. My overarching goal is to promote an interdisciplinary management model across institutions of higher learning to ensure students receive equitable post-concussion care.

What’s the most interesting thing you have learned from a student?

Each student brings unique perspectives and life experiences when they step on campus. Therefore, it is critical to take this into consideration by incorporating inclusive pedagogical practices, such as developing transparent frameworks with clear expectations, to ensure each student can succeed in my courses.