Dr. Amelia Black, Lecturer II, Linguistics


Dr. Amelia Black



Lecturer II





Describe your research in about 200 words.

My research interest focuses on sustaining the Diné language as well as Diné cultural knowledge of k’é (kinship). I rely on ancestral Diné knowledges that are embedded in the Diné language to guide me. In particular, I use k’é (kinship), a concept that is essential and unique to Diné identity. This concept places a person in relationship to their family, community, all living beings, and Mother Earth. Recently, the chapter I co-wrote about k’é was published in John Tippeconnic III and Mary Jo Tippeconnic’s 2021 edited book, On Indian Ground: The Southwest. I describe one of my teaching practices on how k’é and knowing yourself is established in Diné culture. I guide and coach students on how to conduct an oral history research project on k’é. The research project helps students to revitalize cultural knowledge and use k’é to establish kinship within their family and community while using the Diné language.


What’s the most interesting thing you have learned from a student?

Students have different learning styles, I aim to see from their perspective.