Grand Challenges Research Coffee Chat: Sustainable Water Resources

Join us for coffee and snacks with one of UNM’s Grand Challenge researchers.  Among the questions we will explore: How do UNM researchers identify specific problems to tackle?  How do they design their research, and frame questions?  What have they discovered so far, and how do they know these discoveries are important?  How do they communicate their discoveries?

The mountain water tower: Improving how we measure snow volume and runoff processes

Wednesday, February 19, 2020.  2:00 – 2:30 pm, Cochiti Room, 3rd Floor Student Union Building.

Over a billion people worldwide rely on snow as a water resource. Dr. Webb will discuss recent advancements in techniques to quantify how much water is stored in a mountain snowpack and how it makes its way to our rivers and aquifers.

Free coffee and snacks

Open to all UNM students, faculty, staff and community members