Julia Fulghum
Title with Advance at UNM:
Advance Director, Co-lead of the the Advance / FIRST Evaluation Core
Your background in academia:
Dr. Julia Fulghum is a professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Associate Dean for Faculty Development in the College of Arts & Sciences. She served as UNM’s vice president for research and economic development from 2008-2012 and prior to that was chair of the Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering from 2002-2008. She came to UNM from Kent State University in 2002, where she was a faculty member in the Chemistry Department and a member of the Honors College. She is a Fellow of the American Vacuum Society and currently serves as the co-chair of the Science Advisory Committee for the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, a national user facility operated by Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories. Her awards include the Student Service Provider of the Year from UNM Student Affairs in 2012, a NM Business Weekly Power Broker Award in 2010 and a Distinguished Teacher Award from Kent State University in 2001.