Julia Fulghum
Title with Advance at UNM:
Advance Director, Co-lead of the the Advance / FIRST Evaluation Core
Your background in academia:
Dr. Julia Fulghum is a professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Associate Dean for Faculty Development in the College of Arts & Sciences. She served as UNM’s vice president for research and economic development from 2008-2012 and prior to that was chair of the Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering from 2002-2008. She came to UNM from Kent State University in 2002, where she was a faculty member in the Chemistry Department and a member of the Honors College. She is a Fellow of the American Vacuum Society and currently serves as the co-chair of the Science Advisory Committee for the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, a national user facility operated by Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories. Her awards include the Student Service Provider of the Year from UNM Student Affairs in 2012, a NM Business Weekly Power Broker Award in 2010 and a Distinguished Teacher Award from Kent State University in 2001.
Why were you attracted to the project?
My career has given me experience in both science and engineering departments, as well as exposure to the university more broadly. I’ve had firsthand experience with the challenges faced by women STEM faculty and with the difficulty in achieving sustainable progress. My sense is that there is a broad faculty support for this effort and that we can make changes that will benefit not just women STEM faculty, but all of UNM.
What’s that one cool thing about you?
I’m a decent photographer, with a special interest in outdoor photography.