Shannon Sanchez-Youngman

Headshot of Shannon Sanchez-Youngman

Title with Advance at UNM:

Leadership team member and co-investigator with the Advance / FIRST Evaluation Core.  


Your background in academia:

Dr. Sanchez-Youngman is an assistant professor at the UNM College of Population Health with expertise in Latinx mental health disparities intervention research, organizational and systems change, and social and health equity policy. She has over 20 years of experience developing community, policy and systems interventions aimed at reducing social and health disparities among economically marginalized groups and racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Dr. Sanchez- Youngman seeks to bridge the gap between social science theories of inequity and methods with multi-level intervention research within organizations and health systems. Dr. Sanchez-Youngman has published articles in Community Psychology, International Journal for Equity in Health, Dubois Review, Health Education and Behavior, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, and the American Political Science Review.