Success On The Promotion and Tenure Trail workshop series

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This series of workshops is all about supporting you on your promotion and tenure journey! We bring in experts who have been through the process to share their tips and tricks.


This semester, we’re offering one workshop to associate professors on promotion planning and two workshops on dossier preparation. One dossier prep workshop will be for faculty applying for P&T or promotion to professor, and we’ll offer a separate session for faculty preparing dossiers for reappointment (mid-pro) or lecturer promotion. This should allow more time for rank-specific questions and discussions. In both cases, we’ll share tips and strategies for effectively telling the story of your career.


You can access our resources for succeeding at promotion and tenure online.These workshops are open to all faculty. Please invite a friend or colleague! Have an idea for a workshop in this series? Email

Promotion Planning for Associate Professors

March 7, 12:30-2pm, Ortega Hall room 335


The path from associate professor to professor is paved with both uncertainty and opportunity, and a range of paths can lead to success. We’ll discuss how to navigate expectations at the department, college, and university level. Advance Director Julia Fulghum and AVP for Faculty Affairs Christopher Lyons will lead this session.  


This workshop will include information and suggestions to support both new associate professors and faculty who are close to applying for promotion. Register here. Bring your questions! 



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Dossier Preparation for Milestone Reviews – P&T/Promotion to Professor 

April 11, 2:30-2pm, Ortega Hall room 335


If you’re applying for P&T or promotion to Professor during AY26, or want to start thinking about an AY27 application, this is the session for you! We’ll discuss strategies for writing research (scholarship, creative works), teaching, and service statements, selecting external reviewers, and other aspects of the review process. Bring questions! 



Dossier Preparation for Milestone Reviews – Reappointment (mid-pro) or Lecturer Promotion

April 25, 2:30-2pm, Ortega Hall room 335


Applying for reappointment (mid-pro) review or lecturer promotion during AY26? Join us to learn about writing dossier statements, documenting your accomplishments, and the review processes. Bring questions! 


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