Tiffany Lee

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Internal Advisory Board Member

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Tiffany S. Lee (Diné/Oglala Lakota) is a Professor and Chair of Native American Studies at the University of New Mexico. She earned her Ph.D. at Stanford University in Sociology of Education. Her research examines educational and culturally-based outcomes of Indigenous-centered schools, Native youth perspectives on language reclamation, and socio-culturally focused education. Her work is published in journals, such as the Journals of Language, Identity, and Education and of American Indian Education; and in books, such as Diné Perspectives: Revitalizing and Reclaiming Navajo Thought. She is currently a Co-Principal Investigator on grants examining the impact of Indigenous language immersion schools nationally and the Diné Language Teacher Institute, which prepares Diné speakers into becoming Diné language immersion educators. She is also involved with colleagues on a W.K. Kellogg funded project to open a Diné language nest in Albuquerque.