Tom Dauphinee
Title with Advance at UNM:
Internal evaluation team member
Your background in academia:
Dr. Tom Dauphinee will coordinate collection of survey and administrative data, as well as the analysis of data for internal evaluation. As the Associate Director of Data and Analysis at the UNM Center for Education Policy Research, Tom directs research staff and graduate students on collection, management, and analysis of quantitative data and lead the team to develop data deliverables, including online interactive data visualization tools, ArcGIS maps, surveys, and statistical models. He has been the principal investigator for several large-scale evaluations of community and education initiatives, including improved access to healthcare coverage and extended learning opportunities, STEM programs for professional development and student enrichment, public television programming on education issues, workforce skill gaps, community college job training programs for lower-skilled adults, gaps in mental health services, and a mentor teacher preparation program. Previously Tom also managed many evaluation projects for the State of New Mexico, including evaluations of the juvenile justice and workers’ compensation systems.