POSTPONED: Award-winning author to review book proposals by UNM faculty

Dr. Koritha Mitchell, an associate professor of English at Ohio State University, will be reviewing two faculty book proposals on March 13.  

Mitchell is an award-winning author and professional development expert with a specialty in African American literature. She has spoken to scholars at every stage of their careers concerning professional development. 

The one-on-one book proposal discussions will follow her Advance at UNM workshop “Writing and Publishing Your First Scholarly Book” which takes place on March 13 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in SUB Lobo A&B. 

Submissions to be considered for review are due in the specified format by Sunday, Feb. 23 by 11:59 p.m. to the Google form. The faculty members whose book proposals are selected for review will be notified on Friday, Feb 28th. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

All University of New Mexico faculty are encouraged to apply, but assistant professors will be given preference. 


  • A cover letter with a brief description of book project, anticipated length and timeline for completion
  • A current curriculum vitae
  • A briefly annotated version of the books table of contents
  • A five to ten page, double spaced description of the project

A more detailed list of criteria for submissions can be found on the document below. To apply for this opportunity, click here.

Book Review by Koritha Mitchell