Faculty learn how to create “exciting” project management plans for proposals

Mary Jo Daniel, director of the Faculty Research Development Office and Co-PI for Advance at UNM, gave UNM faculty several tips on creating effective management plans for research proposals during a presentation in February.


Mary Jo Daniel gave a presentation to UNM faculty about creating management plans for research proposals last week. Photo by Adrian Abeyta /Advance at UNM.

“Today we will be focusing on proposal management plans, which are — woohoo — exciting,” Daniel said.


Her interactive workshop went over topics including what makes a project successful, what goes into a good management plan and how to successfully carry out that plan after the proposal is approved.


“Bottomline, what the reviewers of a management plan are looking for is that the leadership of the proposal has a plan,” Daniel said.



Some of the advice Daniel gave to create a management plan is to thoroughly outline the roles and responsibilities of everyone working on the project, include a cohesive timeline, and make sure to express a clear communication plan.


“Communication is huge,” Daniel said.


Daniel encouraged discussion throughout her presentation. She also encouraged others to also share their expertise on this topic.  


Participants discuss how to create an effective management plan for a research proposal at a workshop presented by Mary Jo Daniel. Photo by Adrian Abeyta /Advance at UNM.

“You all have an immense amount of experience, so please be willing to share that with each other,” Daniel said.


In addition to speaking how to create a management proposal, Daniel expressed the importance of holding the principal investigator on the project accountable for carrying out the plan.


Daniel closed out the workshop by identifying other resources that can be used to create successful proposals. This includes Science Team of Science, Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training, and the next Advance Workshop which will over the financial side of research proposals.


You can register for You Got Funded! Now What? Workshop here.