Mary Jo Daniel


Title with Advance UNM:

Co-principal investigator

Your background in academia:

Mary Jo Daniel is the Associate Vice President for Research at UNM. Prior to this, she was the director of the Faculty Research Development Office and the Associate Director for New Mexico’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR,) a NSF-funded program that builds research capacity across the state. At EPSCoR, Mary Jo helped develop and implement programs that supported broadening participation of diverse faculty and students in university STEM programs. Mary Jo began her involvement in STEM education as a science and math teacher in public schools. She also taught teacher education courses as an adjunct instructor at UNM and helped shape STEM education policy at the Math and Science Bureau in the NM Public Education Department. She received her undergraduate degree from St. John’s College and a PhD in Multicultural Childhood and Teacher Education from the University of New Mexico.

Why were you attracted to the project?

Having encountered challenges in broadening participation in STEM for more than 25 years, it’s clear to me that systemic approaches are needed for lasting change. In order to engage more women and individuals from groups who are underrepresented in STEM, barriers to participation need to be addressed at all educational levels. At the university, creating an environment that is supportive of women STEM faculty will make a difference not only for those individuals, but for their future students and colleagues as well.

What’s that one cool thing about you?

I’m a weaver and make textiles for the home that are both unique and useful.