STEM Shoutout: Dr. Bruna Jacobson

UNM computer science research assistant professor promoted to assistant professor


Dr. Bruna Jacobson, former research assistant professor in the University of New Mexico Department of Computer Science, has recently been promoted to assistant professor in the same department. 


“Since 2015, I have had fruitful collaborations at the computer science department, first as a postdoctoral fellow and later as research assistant professor,” Jacobson said. “The department is very supportive and has provided a positive work environment.”


All of these aspects affected Jacobson’s decision to apply for a tenure-track position at UNM. In this new position, she can grow her current collaborations and broaden her contributions to the UNM Computer Science department.


As an assistant professor, Jacobson will manage her own research laboratory where she can teach and mentor students on an individual level. She will also teach undergraduate and graduate level courses.


The core of Jacobson’s research consists of creating computer simulations that combine machine learning and robotic models of biological systems. These simulations help our understanding of how cells interact with their environment to carry out essential functions. 


“Right now, I am developing an interactive simulation that will investigate mechanisms to stop viral replication in cells infected by COVID-19 viruses,” Jacobson said. “I enjoy doing interdisciplinary research and working through every step of the scientific process.” 


Data-driven simulation and modeling of biological systems is a rapidly growing scientific field. Jacobson said she wishes to expand the scope and impact of her research through her new position.


“As I work towards this goal, I will mentor students to equip them with the tools they need to thrive as scientists and as citizens actively contributing to society,” Jacobson said. “Furthermore, I am eager to continue to perform outreach activities, encouraging students in K-12 to get into STEM research and promoting CS education to all New Mexicans.”