Yemane Asmerom
Title with Advance at UNM:
Internal Advisory Board
Your background in academia:
Yemane Asmerom is a professor of isotope geochemistry at the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, the University of New Mexico. He founded and is the director of the Radiogenic Isotope Laboratory. Asmerom was born in Eritrea and moved to the United States for higher education, obtaining a BA from St. Louis University in philosophy and chemistry, MS from Eastern Washington University in geology and a PhD in geochemistry from the University of Arizona. He did postdoctoral training at Harvard University and the University of Minnesota. He has a wide-ranging research interests, ranging from dynamics and time-scale of climate change to the evolution of the solar system, with results published in leading journals in the field, including Nature, Science and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Over the last decade he has been part of the leading edge in the technical (e.g. half-life determinations, ionization techniques, chemical procedures, and instrumental configurations), conceptual and applied developments in uranium-series isotope geochemistry. He applied these capabilities towards answering fundamental questions in geodynamics, surface processes, climate change and human-cultural evolution. At the same time, he has applied long-lived radiogenic isotopes in many novel applications, including uplift rates of terrains and inception and incision rates of the Grand Canyon, for example. His interests extend to the origin and evolution of the solar system, in subjects ranging from the latest magmatism in the Moon to the nature of Martian crust. Asmerom is Geochemical Fellow and Follow of the Geological Society of America. He is a relentless advocate for broader participation of women and minorities in the sciences and institutional transformation locally and nationally.