
Dr. Anjali Mulchandani



Assistant Professor



Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering


Describe your research in about 200 words.

My research explores solving global water, waste and energy challenges to improve environmental resource sustainability. Specific projects include atmospheric water capture for drinking and industrial use, and metals and energy recovery from wastes. My research philosophy applies an interdisciplinary bottom-up approach to solve these environmental challenges, using thermodynamic and simulation models to guide development of novel (nano)materials, reactors and processes. A central tenet within this philosophy is to conduct use-inspired research, based on the needs of industries and end-users. My passions include leading public outreach initiatives for STEM awareness among all levels of learners and advocating for diversity, equity and inclusion in engineering education.


What’s the most interesting thing you have learned from a student?

I had a student who had an Associate’s degree in computer programming, was getting a Bachelors’s degree in materials science and engineering, and was doing research with me in environmental engineering. It was amazing to see how they converged their skills to bring a completely unique perspective to our work, and it showed me the power of interdisciplinary thinking to solve grand challenges.