Building and Balancing a Career you Enjoy
The “Career you Enjoy” series of workshops aims to help you embrace the things you love about your work and navigate through the challenges it brings.
This spring, the first workshop in this series will guide you toward ways you can find solid footing during times of change. We’ve partnered with UNM Ombuds Heidi Ricci for a look at remaining grounded while you learn how to flow with things around you that might be out of your control.
The other event in this series aims to support UNM faculty who are caregivers. Our research on campus has found a high level of stress among faculty parents and adult caregivers. We’re working with the Family Caregiver Center of NM to bring you tips, resources and strategies for the stressors of caregiving. You’ll also have the opportunity to network with other parents and caregivers on campus.
These workshops are open to all faculty. Please invite a friend or colleague! Have an idea for a workshop in this series? Email
Finding Stable Ground in Times of Change
Feb 21, 12:30-2pm, Ortega Hall room 335
Times of change are often defined by wrestling with the unknown and what’s out of our control. In this workshop, you’ll explore how to find solid ground in these uncertain and often stressful times. This session will be led by UNM Associate Ombuds Heidi Ricci.

Managing Caregiver Stress
March 28, 12:30-2pm by Zoom
Advance is partnering with the Family Caregiver Center of NM for this session. Caregiving for a family member or friend can be stressful— physically, emotionally, and financially. Please join us for a workshop for caregivers of adults with chronic conditions to learn about self-care strategies and techniques to increase relaxation and reduce stress. You’ll also learn ways to manage the daily stresses you face as a caregiver.
Although this workshop is focused on caregivers of adults with chronic conditions, all caregivers are welcome and will learn valuable coping skills.