Equitable decisions in academia: minimizing bias and applying best practices

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In all parts of academia, there are opportunities to make equitable decisions based on best practices and with minimal bias.


This includes faculty searches, proposal selection committees, chairing effective meetings and more.


Yet many of us have questions on how to make the best decisions, from ways to write job ads or calls for proposals to going through applications and choosing a candidate or proposal using fair processes.


We’ve complied a new guide to offer current information across a variety of related topics to help you and your committee make the best decisions possible.

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Chairing Effective Meetings

Why it matters: Effective and inclusive meetings are more productive and indicate a culture of collaboration and kindness. But getting everyone on board can be hard. See our information for making your meetings as effective as possible — before you start inviting everyone.

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Making Equitable Decisions in Faculty Search

Why it matters: Embarking on your first faculty search or making your current search process better can be an exciting time. It can also be filled with many uncertainties. We’ve developed a guide to assist with process questions and ethical decisions that you’ll face as you help grow your institution and add to its expertise and personality. 

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Writing Bias free Letters of Recommendation

Why it matters: As a faculty member, you’ll be asked for many letters of recommendation for students and colleagues. This can be a tough and time consuming task, and research shows that letter writers often allow gender and other biases to show up in their letters, often unintentionally. This hurts good candidates for jobs, promotions, grants or awards. 

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Reviewing Proposals with best practices in mind

Why it matters: Committees that review proposals for grant funding and other competitions play a crucial role in the success of faculty research. But it’s one place bias can show up. We’re developing a guide to help you gather a committee and make the best decisions possible. 

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Being Equitable About Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Decisions

Why it matters: Getting promoted and making tenure are among the biggest milestones in faculty careers. Make sure the committees you serve on are following best practices with our upcoming guide.