Faculty Development

From tenure and promotion to creating work life balance and getting the most from your career, there are a variety of resources available at UNM to help faculty succeed. Advance at UNM records and posts videos of the workshops we host and we provide other information on events that benefit all faculty.
Advance’s workshop schedule
We help compile a list of workshops of interest to faculty around campus on our events calendar.
Confidential advice
If you need advice on how UNM policies and processes work, career planning, available resources, interactions with colleagues or supervisors, or finding mentors outside of your department you can contact ADVANCE at UNM Director Julia Fulghum (jfulghum at unm dot edu) or other members of the ADVANCE team; Senior Vice Provost Barbara Rodriguez (svp at unm dot edu) or Associate Provost for Faculty Success Bill Stanley (apfaculty at unm dot edu).
Concerns about discriminatory behavior
Such concerns can be reported directly to the Office of Compliance, Ethics, and Equal Opportunity (CEEO). Reports can be made anonymously through the Compliance Hotline and the EthicsPoint website.
CEEO is also the office that helps with ADA accommodations.
Conference travel
The Provost’s Professional Conference Support Program has several deadlines each semester.
Productivity resources
As part of our workshop series, we host panelists who give tips on managing your productivity. See this list of video replays.
UNM is a member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity. Benefits include help with publications and securing external funding for research. See more information.
Tenure and promotion
The Office for Academic Personnel provides information on tenure and promotion policies.
Advance has compiled recent changes related to tenure and promotion, and here are some recent changes agreed to by the faculty union and the UNM administration.