Spring 2020 Call for Teaching Awards Nominations
The Faculty Senate Teaching Enhancement Committee and the Center for Teaching Excellence invite nominations to recognize outstanding educators in the University. All UNM instructors, students, and staff are encouraged to nominate lecturers, instructors, and professors for special award recognition. We encourage nominations from departments in all UNM colleges and branches. For more information on nominations, the application process, and deadlines, please visit our website.
To nominate an educator for any of the awards, simply provide their name HERE. We will then contact all nominees with information about the application process. If you have questions, please write to us at ctl@unm.edu.
Note: we have streamlined the application requirements and changed the application-review process to encourage nominees and applicants from all colleges, branches, and departments.
Streamlined application process. In past years, nominees who applied for awards were required to submit ten letters of recommendation. This year, only five (not ten) letters of recommendation are needed (three student-written letters and two faculty-written letters).
More inclusive review process. We are changing the application-review process to encourage nominations for and applications from educators across all colleges, departments, and branches. In past years, the list of recipients for these university-wide teaching awards has been dominated by faculty and instructors from departments in the College of Arts & Sciences at the UNM-Albuquerque campus. This has understandably resulted in the perception that non-A&S instructors and faculty have a reduced chance for receiving an award. We are committed to changes that will help the awards reflect the excellence in teaching across the entire university. To ensure a more inclusive process, the selection committees this year for all awards will include members from at least two colleges and/or branches.
We offer guidance for teaching philosophies, observation, and support letters. We will be making available an online resource for helping applicants and their supporters develop stronger applications. You can also set up a consultation with the Center for Teaching Excellence (cte@unm.edu) to receive feedback and guidance on your materials. Information on this resource will be available for applicants soon.
Deadline for nominations: Monday, February 24th, 2020