STEM Shoutout: Dr. Miriam Gay-Antaki

GES professor chosen as a 2021 Women in STEM Award winner


Dr. Miriam Gay-Antaki, an assistant professor in Geography and Environmental Sciences was selected in June as a 2021 Women in STEM Award winner.


Gay-Antaki will work on the project “Gendering Science and Technology at Climate Negotiations.” The project aims to amplify voices that aren’t regularly part of the debate on climate change to make research on the topic more effective for vulnerable and underrepresented communities.


The research “will elucidate the mechanisms by which dominant meanings of gender, science and technology arise, are legitimized, and circulated but also how these are resisted,” she wrote in the proposal. 


“The silencing of important voices from the production of climate science to the implementation of projects on the ground often result in failed attempts at climate mitigation and adaptation efforts,” Gay-Antaki said.


“The Women in Stem grant will allow me to attend The Conference of the Parties (COPs) of the United Nations Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Glasgow, Scotland, to gather ethnographic and qualitative data to improve our understanding of climate change policy challenges and solutions.”


As she does her work, Gay-Antaki hopes to use interviews, participant observations and field notes to consider which mechanisms can best amplify silenced voices in the climate debate to improve climate knowledge and solutions.