Successful Aging Grand Challenge

The UNM Successful Aging Grand Challenge leadership team announces our second Request for Proposals (RFP) to fund pilot research projects. We are currently requesting proposals to support research that is focused on engaging senior residents in community activities, to expand programs and services for vulnerable populations, supporting independent living (age in place), creating lifelong education opportunities, addressing quality of life disparities, innovating in basic science and technology to support senior safety and autonomy, and improving effectiveness to promote healthy aging in our state.


In addition, adults 65 and older, especially those with pre-existing medical conditions, are more likely to have severe outcomes from coronavirus (SARS-Co-V-2) infection than other age groups. With approximately half of COVID-19 deaths occurring in nursing and assisted living homes, and our nation at various stages of lockdown, our aging population is endangered by the virus, lack of treatment for comorbid conditions, and the impact of physical and social isolation. We thus particularly welcome COVID-19 related proposals for our aging population.


To apply, submit the proposal as a single PDF (4 pages max., excluding budget, biosketches, and bibliography, 11 pt Arial font, single spaced, 0.5” margins) to by 5pm on June 23, 2020.


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