Engaging Undergraduates: Transformative Strategies

Join the Center for Teaching Excellence at its Spring conference! This year’s topics will focus on engaging teaching, active learning in the classroom, and metacognition.

We invite instructors from main and branch campuses (including faculty, PTIs, graduate students, and other teaching staff) to submit proposals for poster sessions and lightning talks.

Dr. Kelly Hogan, STEM Teaching Professor Associate Dean of Instructional Innovation (UNC-CH), will present the keynote with an active workshop on inclusive teaching. The session will highlight the need for high course structure and model techniques designed to elicit equity in the classroom.

– Explaining the inequities that arise in an unstructured learning environment
– Describing Techniques that add structured equity in a large classroom
– Brainstorming ways to reduce the inequities in your own courses

For more information about the call for submission and registration please visit this website.

March 9th, 9am-4pm
Student Union Building Ballrooms A & B