STEM Shoutout: Dr. Katie Witkiewitz

Dr. Katie Witkiewitz named to NIH committee

UNM psychology professor Dr. Katie Witkiewitz has been named as a chairperson of the Addiction Risks and Mechanisms Study Section for a two year term. She was offered this position based off of her achievements, publications in scientific journals, and honors in the realm of biomedical research.

According to the NIH website (, the Addiction Risks and Mechanisms Study Section is dedicated to:

“[Reviewing] applications aimed at understanding the nature, etiology, and progression of addictive behavior (drug, alcohol, etc.) at the individual level in humans”.

“ My goals for my term as chairperson of the Addiction Risks and Mechanisms study section are to uphold the high standards of review that are required by the Center for Scientific Review and also to help mentor early career reviewers in providing rigorous peer reviews of NIH grant proposals,” Witkiewitz said.

Witkiewitz has been named a principal investigator or co-investigator to conduct research with over $20 million dollars in funding from the National Institutes of Health.

“Personally, it is a great honor to be selected for this role. I am excited for the opportunity and up to the challenge of the hard work ahead of me,” Witkiewitz said.