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Advance at UNM STEM Faculty Highlights video
Advance at UNM is an NSF funded program to recruit and retain women and minorities in STEM. Learn more about our program through interviews with participants and supporters. See more videos

Exploring Oaxaca with Dr. Ronda Brulotte
Dr. Ronda Brulotte, an associate professor of Geography and Environmental Studies and the Director of the Latin American Studies Program at UNM, taught May 2018 course — “Exploring Oaxaca Through Food and Craft” in Oaxaca, Mexico. Watch to learn about what Brulotte’s students gained from the trip.

Getting Drier Over Time
University of New Mexico Biology Professor Dr. Jenn Rudgers is leading a team of 35 scientists in a study of climate dryness and variability at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge.

Digitizing the Past: UNM scientist curates digital fossil database
UNM Earth and Planetary Sciences professor Dr. Corinne Myers is working to build a database of fossils from the Western Interior Seaway. In this video, she gives us a look inside her work so far.
Videos from our Research Success Series

Faculty learn how to manage grant funding
UNM faculty who recently received grant funding for their research heard key tips on how to correctly and ethically handle the grant process during a workshop sponsored by Advance at UNM and Contract and Grant Accounting. Presenters at the You Got Funded, Now What? workshop provided tips on how to correctly manage grants throughout the […] Read More

Faculty learn how to create “exciting” project management plans for proposals
Mary Jo Daniel, director of the Faculty Research Development Office and Co-PI for Advance at UNM, gave UNM faculty several tips on creating effective management plans for research proposals during a presentation in February. “Today we will be focusing on proposal management plans, which are — woohoo — exciting,” Daniel said. Her interactive […] Read More

Advance at UNM Research Proposals: From Idea to Submission
Lean how to begin your research path at UNM with our Research Success Series from the Faculty Research Development Office and the Office of Sponsored Projects. See more videos
Advance at UNM Panel: Associate Professor Orientation: Succeeding with New Expectations
Learn more about being successful as an associate professor.
Videos from our Success On The Promotion and Tenure Trail
Advance at UNM Succeeding With New Expectations: Julia Fulghum
Learn about various tips, advice, and information on resources for managing new associate professor expectations in Advance at UNM’s Succeeding with New Expectations workshop.
Advance at UNM Succeeding With New Expectations: Phil Ganderton
Learn about various tips, advice, and information on resources for managing new associate professor expectations in Advance at UNM’s Succeeding with New Expectations workshop.
Advance at UNM Succeeding With New Expectations: Tina Takacs Vesbach
Learn about various tips, advice, and information on resources for managing new associate professor expectations in Advance at UNM’s Succeeding with New Expectations workshop.
Advance at UNM Succeeding With New Expectations: Rich Wood
Learn about various tips, advice, and information on resources for managing new associate professor expectations in Advance at UNM’s Succeeding with New Expectations workshop.
Other videos and presentations
Advance at UNM R Tutorial Series: Focus on Variables
Focus on the basics of assignment and variables in R in this mini-tutorial by Elizabeth E. Esterly, a graduate student in computer science at the University of New Mexico. See our other R tutorials and learn about our project here: www.advance.unm.edu/rchallenge.
Advance at UNM R Tutorial Series: Focus On Data Import
Focus on the basics of data import in R in this mini-tutorial by Elizabeth E. Esterly, a graduate student in computer science at the University of New Mexico. See our other R tutorials and learn about our project here: www.advance.unm.edu/rchallenge.
Advance at UNM social media tutorials: Social Media For Academics
This section of a “Social Media 101 for academics and professionals” deals with some ways you can use social media to make connections related to your research.
STRIDE Faculty Workshop
Sara Pozzi, a University of Michigan STRIDE committee member and Wayne Jones, a University of Michigan Advance advisory board member, gave a presentation Nov. 8, 2017 about recruiting strategies that can improve diversity on campus.

Advance at UNM 2019 Women in STEM Awards: Dr. Sakineh Chabi
Dr. Sakineh Chabi, an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Her proposal is “Design and Synthesis of Artificial Leaf for Solar Fuel Generation.” The project aims to synthesize a fully integrated membrane-based artificial leaf. Artificial photosynthesis is a technology that uses sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into renewable fuels, such as hydrogen, […] Read More

Advance at UNM 2019 Women in STEM Awards: Dr. Darcy Barron
Dr. Darcy Barron, an assistant professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy. Her proposal is “Improving Physics Retention Rates through Early Undergraduate Research Experiences at UNM.” This research project will create new partnerships with experts in STEM education, and develop new evidence-based teaching strategies for The University of New Mexico. “I am excited and […] Read More

Advance at UNM 2019 Women in STEM Awards: Hannah Mattson
Dr. Hannah Mattson, an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology. Her proposal is “Tracing the Movement of Early Pueblo Pottery across the Southern San Juan Basin: Preliminary Compositional Analysis of Cibola Ceramics from Chaco Canyon.” This project is based on researching the trade of pottery vessels between Chaco Canyon and the southern San […] Read More
Advance at UNM 2018 Women in STEM awards: Judy Cannon
Dr. Judy Cannon, an associate professor in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology and Dr. Melanie Moses, an associate professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Biology. Their proposal is “Multiscale modeling of swarm dynamics.” The project will image live immune cells responding to an infection as a basis to understand how biological […] Read More