Featured videos

Understanding Jewelry and Identity in Pueblo Bonito with Dr. Hannah Mattson
Dr. Hannah Mattson, an assistant professor in UNM’s Department of Anthropology, is interested in the role and uses of ancient jewelry — also known as personal adornments — in ritual practices. In this video, Mattson shares what materials and shapes were used in ancient jewelry found in Pueblo Bonito and how they are connected to identity.

Researching the Treasures of Chaco Canyon with Dr. Patricia Crown
Dr. Patricia Crown, a distinguished professor in UNM’s Department of Anthropology, is collaborating with UNM students and Professor W.H. Wills to conduct fieldwork in Chaco Canyon. In this video, Crown shares her research on the use of cylinder jars, drinking rituals, and the use of cacao in Pueblo Bonito.

Lima’s Water Crisis: A Sense of Urgency with Dr. Clare Cardinal-Pett
Dr. Clare Cardinal-Pett, Lecturer II at UNM’s School of Architecture + Planning, studies the history of architecture and urbanism. In this video, Cardinal-Pett shares her research about the water crisis in Lima, Peru – explaining the history of the city’s hydraulic system and its urgency for change.

The Dispersal of the Domestic Horse into the Americas with Dr. Emily Jones
Dr. Emily Jones, an associate professor of the Anthropology Department at UNM, has been going through collections of bones that can help understand better the dispersal of the domestic horse into the Americas in the 16th and 17th centuries. In this video, Jones shares her interest for animals, her fascination with bones and how […] Read More

5 Things to Know: use these gears each day to lead yourself during a pandemic
“As we know, we have had several months of very challenging different circumstances that we’re dealing with here in this pandemic,” said UNM alumna Maria Guy, a senior partner with Giant Worldwide. “It’s important to lead ourselves — to be aware.” In this video, Guy covers the five gears she recommends to use throughout […] Read More

Stay Away From Denatured Alcohol
As part of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a shortage of many items including hand sanitizer. Because of this, some are attempting to make their own hand sanitizer out of denatured alcohol. Learn from UNM Chemical and Biological Engineering Professor Heather Canavan why you should never do this in any circumstance.

Creating Language Access with Dr. Emmanuel Asonye
Dr. Emmanuel Asonye, a visiting research scholar and assistant professor of Africana Studies at UNM, is creating language access for the linguistically and culturally marginalized African diaspora in the southwest and African countries. In this video, Asonye shares his journey with deaf language and how it took him to start his most recent project, creating […] Read More

Examining New Mexico’s long-term water sustainability: UNM geoscientist leads water quality study
Explore with Dr. Laura Crossey and her team of students the stunning filed area of the Valles Caldera National Preserve in northern New Mexico. Follow along as they collect water quality data from streams and examine the long term sustainability of New Mexico’s water supply.

In the Field: Learning to Dig
Follow Dr. Hannah Mattson as she talks about her annual Archaeology Summer Field School. During this field school, she and her students worked to unearth an ancient pueblo field house near Placitas, New Mexico.”We have a really great time out here,” Mattson said. “It’s a lot of work and it can be very very hot.”

Discovering Exoplanets with Dr. Diana Dragomir
Dr. Diana Dragomir, a new research assistant professor of Physics and Astronomy at UNM, finds and studies the properties of small extrasolar planets called exoplanets. In this video, Dragomir shares the how and process to find exoplanets with new NASA telescope called TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite), as well as future goals in her career.During […] Read More

NSF talks to UNM faculty about updates in the organization
Dr. Karen Marrongelle, the Associate Director of Education and Human Resources for NSF, gives a presentation about updates to NSF programs and grants.
Videos from our Research Success Series

UNM RDS and CARC highlight faculty resources for data management
Faculty from the University of New Mexico Library’s Research Data Services (RDS) and the Center for Advanced Research Computing provided UNM researchers with tips on using computing and data management in research projects. Presenters gave information on resources and support that the two groups offer. Director of RDS and IT Karl Benedict kicked off the […] Read More

NSF talks to UNM faculty about updates in the organization
Dr. Karen Marrongelle, the Associate Director of Education and Human Resources for NSF, gives a presentation about updates to NSF programs and grants.

UNM faculty learn how to make a good proposal great with better broader impacts
UNM faculty working on research proposals recently learned to improve the broader impacts of their research in a workshop hosted by Advance at UNM. Workshop speakers included Stephanie Tofighi, a faculty research support officer with the UNM Faculty Research Development Office, Anthony Salvagno, an X Studio programs manager for Explora X Studio, and Mitchell Whittier, […] Read More

UNM faculty learn how to achieve broader impacts in research proposals
UNM faculty members heard tips on how to address the broader impacts portion of their research proposals during a workshop hosted by Advance at UNM April 26. Stephanie Tofighi, a faculty research support officer with the Office of the Vice President of Research, and Monica Kowal, the Director of Community Engagement Initiatives with […] Read More
Videos from our Success On The Promotion and Tenure Trail

Multiple Paths to Excellence: Promotion to Professor
Associate professors and other University of New Mexico faculty learned how to navigate the path to becoming a full professor through tips and experiences from those who went through the process themselves. The presenters included Advance at UNM Director Dr. Julia Fulghum, anthropology professor Dr. Frances Hayashida, associate professor of geography Dr. Maria Lane […] Read More

New associate professors learn about new expectations and opportunities
New associate professors — both newly promoted and new to UNM — recently learned about the opportunities and expectations that come with the position at a workshop hosted by Advance at UNM.Workshop speakers included Advance director Julia Fulghum, UNM Provost James Holloway, Senior Vice Provost Barbara Rodriguez, Professor of biology Tina Takacs-Vesbach and Mary Jo […] Read More

UNM faculty share advice for preparing a promotion and tenure dossier
UNM faculty learned the best practices for preparing their promotion and tenure dossier at an event sponsored by Advance at UNM. The Preparing Your Promotion and Tenure Dossier workshop presenters shared useful information and advice for creating a dossier in the most efficient way. “An important thing to realize is how much control […] Read More

Advance at UNM presents: Mid Pro, Now What?
You’re halfway to applying for tenure and promotion! What steps should you be taking next? Come hear from the experts in our Success on the Promotion and Tenure Trail series.
Other videos and presentations
Why Diversity Programs Fail with Harvard professor Frank Dobbin
Learn why diversity programs fail at universities and how to make them succeed with the help from Frank Dobbin, a professor of Sociology from Harvard University.
Advance at UNM social media tutorials: Using Social Media with Students
This section of a presentation about “Social Media 101 for professionals and academics” looks at how educators can use social media in the classroom.
Advance at UNM social media tutorials: Using Facebook Groups in Your Classroom
This section of a presentation on “Social Media 101 for academics and professionals” looks at how educators can use Facebook Groups in the classroom.
UNM Center for Teaching and Learning 2016-2017 Teaching Fellow Dawn Nordquist
Teaching fellows showed off their new and improving teaching skills at the 2016-2017 Teaching Fellows Presentation.

Advance at UNM 2020 Women in STEM Awards: Dr. Mousumi Roy
In this video, hear from Dr. Mousumi Roy, an associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Her proposal is “Destroying Continental Plates: The Role of Thermal and Chemical Disequilibrium During Melt-Rock Interaction.” This research project will investigate the cause and effect hidden in weak zones within tectonic plates that are often associated with […] Read More

Advance at UNM 2020 Women in STEM Awards: Dr. Becky Bixby
Bixby’s project, “Icy Seeps: A Potential Stronghold for Algal Stenotherm Biodiversity.” The research will focus on understanding the role of water sources in shaping algae assemblages in alpine streams. Bixby said she is interested in the role of insulated, buried ice as a potential water source in alpine streams that may provide longer term refuge for algae […] Read More

Advance at UNM 2020 Women in STEM Awards: Dr. Jin Zhang
Dr. Jin Zhang, an assistant professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Her winning proposal is “Plate Tectonics of the Past and Current Day Mars: Insights from the High Pressure-Temperature Studies of Martian Mantle Candidate Rocks” This research project will focus on studying the chemical, physical and geometrical factors that control the convection styles […] Read More

Advance at UNM 2019 Women in STEM Awards: Dr. Elizabeth Korver-Glenn
Dr. Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology. Her proposal is “Experiences of Rental Housing and Property Management in Albuquerque.” This project includes working with local stakeholders in Albuquerque as well as with the U.S. Census to deepen the researchers’ understanding of experiences of renting and property management and how to best […] Read More